Vibration Analysis
Machine Condition Monitoring
A good machine condition-monitoring program has vibration monitoring and analysis as the cornerstone of the predictive maintenance program. Properly implemented and run, such a program will yield benefits such as:
- Improved machine reliability
- Longer production runs
- Shorter downtime
- And general profitability in terms of reduced maintenance costs and increased productivity.
Successful implementation requires
- Management support
- Commitment of the necessary resources
- A service provider with well trained engineering personnel dedicated to the vibration surveillance program with record keeping practices and necessary extensive experience and background knowledge in vibration analysis and machine dynamics in order to accurately assess machinery problems and give appropriate recommendations and solutions.
VibroDynamics Inc, will assist your company in determining the service that best suits your needs and budget:
- Run-to-failure Maintenance
This type of maintenance if often called "crisis management" since maintenance or equipment repairs are scheduled when there is noticeable deterioration in machine condition, often after a component fails. A high percentage of unplanned maintenance activities, high replacement part inventories and inefficient utilization of maintenance personnel mark it. VibroDynamics Inc. will troubleshoot problematic machines as requested assessing the problem and providing a solution utilizing 33 years of experience of experience in solving machine dynamics problems.
- Preventive Maintenance
This type of maintenance involves planned maintenance activities. Periodic inspection and maintenance are scheduled at arbitrary intervals in an attempt to reduce or eliminate equipment failures. Depending on the intervals set, this can represent a significant increase in inspections and routine maintenance, however, it should also reduce the frequency and seriousness if unplanned machine failures.
- Predictive Maintenance
This program is often called "condition-based" maintenance and it attempts to replace the arbitrary time intervals with maintenance scheduled only when the condition of the equipment requires it. The increase in cost of equipment monitoring should be more than offset by a reduction in unnecessary PM inspections and maintenance. Predictive maintenance should also continue to reduce the frequency and cost if unplanned machine failures. Information generated from PDM program can be used to improve personnel efficiency, help make by vs. repair decisions, monitor the quality of equipment repairs and prolong the life of a machine. Machines are monitored by engineers on a regular basis with machines identified as to those that are identified as operating in the most reliable way possible at the lowest cost and run to failure since they are not critical the production and are cost effective to replace and those machines that are critical to production that require more stringent alarm parameters.
Goals and Objectives of a Good Machine Monitoring
Reduce Maintenance Costs
- Identify/Correct machine problems before they become serious
- Improve maintenance troubleshooting
- Improve personnel efficiency
- Reduce maintenance parts inventory.
- Identify and replace poor maintenance prctices and procedures (trends can be tracked)
- Reduce peridically scheduled or time-based maintenance
Increase Production Output
- Reduce unplanned equipment downtime
- improve process speed
- improve product quality
Reduce Capital Expenditures
- Extended equipment life
- Repair vc. replace decisions
Improved worker saftey
- Reduce number of serious or critical failures